Humans CAN Cure Ebola

| December 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

By now everyone knows about the deadly Ebola crisis. It has started in Africa and has spread to some states in the U.S. Many hospitals and airports have taken action and made many people go through testing if they had traveled to any place that has had contact with Africa. Hospitals have increased the security and have adapted new hospital uniforms. When doctors are treating an Ebola patient they must first cover their body from head to toe. There must be no skin showing at all. If they don’t cover themselves fully, there is a possibility that they can get infected as well.

A physician, Dr. Craig Spencer was treating Ebola patients in Guinea. He returned to New York on October 17 not knowing that he had Ebola. He finally showed symptoms of the virus the morning of October 23, he was rushed to the hospital and treated quickly. After a while he was declared “cured” of the Ebola virus. He was greeted with cheers and hugs by people and officials, including Mayor Bill de Blasio and Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett.

Dr. Spencer was still in critical condition but was improving over time. News about Dr. Craig’s recovery has spread not only locally but also nationally. Which led to the public health authorities  retrace his steps from when he arrived and was brought to the hospital. Then went to the 19 days in the hospital, but luckily no one else has been affected by this virus. He was later scheduled to go a conference at the hospital. Bill de Blasio welcomed Spencer back to his normal life on the behalf of the New York. At the conference Dr. Spence recited a speech. He was nervous for his public debut but he was fit to speak. His first words were “Hello, my name is Craig Spencer. Today I am healthy and no longer infectious.”He recalled his days in Africa telling the public that after he got sick, many of his cured patients called his personal cell phone to ask if there was anything they could do. Dr. Evans was one of the doctors that was taking care of him when he was sick. She said that his humor never left and that it always cheered all the people who cared for him.

Officers started looking at all the places that he went, reporting that no one else had gotten sick as well. This concludes the reason why people take such high precautions when it comes to unknown illnesses. Ebola can be cured, but doctors and nurses need to cover their whole bodies when they are treating patients. They need to make sure that they wash their hands and not mix the different tools together if they are used in different rooms. Dr. Spencer is now cured from Ebola and is happy. He was able to go home to his wife without getting anyone sick.


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