Electives, Electives, Electives!

Do you ever have trouble figuring out what kind of electives you want to pick each year? If you’re into acting then theater arts is great for you “I am excited about theater arts because I just love acting!” said Alexis Ybarra (7). Or maybe you like singing.  “I am very excited about choir because I like to sing,” said Vanessa Pineda (7) Home Ec is another good elective, according to Alexis Ybarra (7) “I want to learn how to cook new things, and I heard it was a fun class!”

It’s important to pick electives that will maybe help you later in life, or that’s what you want to do when you grow up.  That’s the whole point of electives right?  “I’m excited about the electives because when I grow up I either want to be a singer or an artist.” stated Vanessa Pineda (7) Electives are not easy to pick, it depends on what you like and don’t like. If you like Spanish, then pick Spanish! If you know Spanish already, the pick another elective. “Electives are fun, and I just love them! I wish we could pick three! You get a chance to pick what electives you want for the next year. It is a great way to experience new things!” exclaimed Alexis Ybarra (7)

When you’re there trying to figure out what elective you want, think about your future. Think about “Is this really going to help me in life?”  That’s how Vanessa Pineda (7) picks her electives. She stated “Before I pick my electives I think about my future, how is this elective going to help me, and if i really truly wanted to be in it.”

By: Vivika Eckhoff