The Thanksgiving Holiday

Thanksgiving is on November 28 and everybody is excited.  Aren’t you excited, ready to eat tons of food with your friends  and family?  Thanksgiving is a time to be with friends and family. Everybody and anybody who has ever meant something to you probably should be with you on Thanksgiving.

Everybody has different traditions they do on Thanksgiving.  Most families cook a big turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables, stuffing, ham, pumpkin pie, rolls, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and of course who could forget the gravy.  Thanksgiving isn’t just about eating on a Thursday with people; it’s a day to actually be thankful for what you have. “My family just makes turkey and we ate and then we all watch football, everybody’s there all my closest friends and family”- Harleigh Watson 8th

In 1621 the Plymoth colonists and Indians celebrated the first Thanksgiving.  They were the first people to ever do something like that in celebrating a day and being thankful for everything you have. It wasn’t until 1863 that President Abraham Lincoln announced that Thanksgiving was going to be held each November.

Thanksgiving is many things to different people. Everything is special to us all in many different ways.  This holiday is something you should be happy about.  We have school off and on thanksgiving we all eat a ton of food.

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