
Since Ebola was in Dallas people are starting to freak out. Tianna Equiler (7) said, “I feel Ebola is messing up our lives because everyone is going crazy about it.”

What will happen if it came to San Antonio? Most people will go insane. Minari Williams (8) said that she would not even go outside. Some people think that everyone is overreacting. It has not came to San Antiono so why freak out? Ebola is a pretty scary thing. I see why everyone is freaking out about it. Nobody wants to it. You will become really sick and even die. Only 3 people in the US have had it. Also, there has been no new cases reported for several weeks in the US. Most experts say that it is well contained and beatable in the U.S.

In conclusion dont freak out about it yet. It seems like it is under control now.