AP exam study sessions

To get ready for upcoming advanced exams, sessions are sprouting up in various classrooms to arm Johnson minds

By Staff Writer | Jordan Joyce

Need some extra help studying for your AP exams? Here’s a list of teachers holding study sessions for all your AP needs.

World History:

When: Thursday and Friday after school

Where: Room A253

U.S. History:

When: Tuesday after school in room A347; Wednesday after school in A245; Thursday before school in room A349


When: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school

Where: room F310

Biology: None scheduled yet

English IV: None scheduled, but students can come for extra help

When: any day before school

“There’s a lot of material in any of the AP classes,” chemistry teacher Barbara Harrell said. “It’s impossible for the teacher to have enough class time. It’s a college course, which requires that you put in time to study outside of class. You have the teacher there to help but you can still study at your own pace, which makes going to after school review sessions the best of both worlds.”

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