Celebrating Thanksgiving Week, Krueger Style

| November 18, 2010 | 1 Comment

Gabriel Akessler
KMSN Staff   

    Students at Krueger have many ways to celebrate Thanksgiving because there are many different students with different lifestyles. Now, there are students that believe in different things and celebrate a variety of holidays.
Some students go all out and celebrate Thanksgiving with turkey in the comforts of home, while others go outside and have their Thanksgiving feast.  Not all students celebrate Thanksgiving and find alternate things to do during the time off. 
Here are some ways students and teachers celebrate Thanksgiving in their own way.
”I have lunch with my family, and when I say family I mean my real family,” Mrs. Lorraine Roussin, Krueger Middle School Librarian, said.
In school, the teachers don’t always celebrate Thanksgiving, but history teachers might tell you where it all started from. Then, Math teachers might even tell you phrases like “If the pilgrims traveled 20 yards and it took five minutes, and they walk half of that.  How far did they travel and how long did it take?”
Teachers have unique customs and students enjoy the relaxation and family time that Thanksgiving brings. Students at Krueger were asked,“How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?”
”I usually hang out with my family and eat turkey,” Leander Herring Meadows (8k) said.
Others pointed to the fact that Thanksgiving is something they do every year.
“It’s a tradition to eat turkey during a Thanksgiving feast. I have turkey with my whole family,” Christian Ritter (7k) said
In conclusion, there are many ways to celebrate Thanksgiving and many things to do with your family on Thanksgiving Day. So, you should make the most of the time you have with those you care about.

Category: Campus News

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