Rockin’ Metabolisms

Bill Miller Breakfast. photo by Kyle Argueta

The sound of crunching foil and the scent of bacon and egg tacos fill the classroom. Breakfast during class has escalated to extraordinary heights, and it seems that everywhere I look I’m blinded by reflections beaming from the taco infested foil. Teachers are beginning to take more notice at this growing problem. Questions are still left unanswered. Have students taken the kind privilege of morning breakfast as weakness? How far will students push teacher’s boundaries when it comes to breakfast in class? While breakfast in class is a controversial subject, breakfast is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Breakfast is essential and is the most important meal of the day. According to a recent study by “”, concentration in school is much higher in kids who eat breakfast than those who skip it. Also pediatrician Dr. William Sears says, “kids who eat breakfast are more likely to have better grades and the ability to work and answer more complex questions” .  But not all students have the opportunity to eat breakfast before school, in turn, leaves them with one option: breakfast in class.

Teachers have their hands tied, struggling to decide an appropriate time frame for students that are not able to have breakfast before school. A simple solution would be a 7-10 minute eating period early in class, for those who are not able to eat breakfast before school. After the time has ended, all breakfast food and items must be put away. In preparation for a balanced breakfast time, students should respect teachers request and try as much as possible to eat breakfast before school.

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