Gay-Straight Alliance Encounters Problems

For four years, the school has been without a GSA or an organization that works to support the LGBT members in school.

Mac GSA would hope to participate in national activities, such as the Day of Silence, for anti bullying photo by GSLEN

At the close of the 2011-2012 school year, Isaac Vargas (10) quickly organized the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA), of which Mac hasn’t seen since the end of 2008. Isaac Vargas and supporting leader Blue Hess (11) are currently working to legitimize the group, however Mr. Terry Peel is away on school business and the group cannot be legitimate until Mr. Peel certifies the organization. Gaining the signatures of over 100 students, the group is only halfway legitimate; lacking the administrative approval the group can’t be certified.

“Mr. Woodward, the choir teacher, is willing to be the sponsor of the club,” Isaac said. “Right now the principal has given us permission to make the group legitimate.”

A Gay-Straight Alliance promotes tolerance and understanding of the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) community, and does not work to convince others to accept the lifestyle or beliefs of the LGBT community. The last existing Gay-Straight Alliance dissolved due to lack of activity and members. Currently, the majority of NEISD schools (i.e Winston Churchill and Roosevelt) have existing chapters of GSA’s which volunteer in community activities and school programs. Johnson is currently trying to develop their group.

“I want the GSA to be a safe place where we can promote anti bullying techniques in school and to help improve LGBT members welfare,” Isaac said.


The controversial issue of LBGT rights is difficult to embrace in a school setting. Isaac plans to help make the school GSA a network of students who will accept and encourage equality for members of the LBGT community and the Allies within it. Allies are straight individuals who are the supporters of individual members of the LGBT community.

“We just need Mr. Peel’s signature and confirmation,” Blue said. “However since he isn’t on campus it’s difficult to get things moving. It’s not his fault or anything, we’re just eager to start working.”

Anticipating GSA members hope to legitimize the group before summer to begin organizing the 2012-2013 year activities and projects to be a successful organization.

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About brittany-trub

I don't even go here.

2 thoughts on “Gay-Straight Alliance Encounters Problems

  1. It really saddens Mr that I couldn’t do anything to help this group before graduation. I could have been a petitioner … but in reality, I would have liked to be an organizer. This year has been the ultimate turn around in my stance on GLBT freedoms. Its been this year that I’ve shed my personal ignorance towards it all. For all y’all reading, did you know it was illegal gay? Like, absolutely illegal? Texas had a death penalty for being gay! And you know, people talk a lot about what it was like to be colored and discriminated against– but clearly being an ethnic minority was never illegal.

    If its any help, I’m sure that Mr. Green (A207, government teacher) to get some action in with the GSA!

  2. It’s really cool a club like this can be organized. I would totally join and be part of the Allies portion. Post when and if this club gets approved!

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