MacTEACH Transforms the Future

Photo by Gabby Alls

The mission of MacTEACH involves narrowing the gap between students who are struggling academically and students who are on the higher achieving end. A small group of MacTEACH tutors attended one of the districts Transforming the Future community forums at Johnson on Sept. 16, to advocate their mission.

In the first step to launch the new technology initiative, the district hosted a series of community forums. The forums are designed to inform the community and start an open conversation about new technology strategies.

“We want to know how this new technology is going to help our students,” MacTEACH  tutor Farry Seddighzadeh ,12, said. “It’s important for the future of the people we tutor.”

At the meeting, Superintendent Dr Brian Gottardy explained that the efforts are intended to build a revised education foundation for the betterment of students. Students, teachers, parents and community members discussed feedback questions in small groups, then addressed the entire meeting. Mac Teach focused on the question, ‘what skills do students need to thrive in the current context?’.

“We believe it’s important that students take what they have learned and teach others,” tutor Gaby Rice,12, said.

Gaby Rice and Dominic Dorsa (12) represented MacTEACH in front of the rest of the meeting. They explained what they do in the community and what type of impact the initiative can have on their community.

“It is beautiful to hear your child say ‘mom, dad I have a great teacher’ but far more profound to hear ‘mom, dad I am a great teacher’”, Dominic Dorsa said as he spoke to the community.

The tutors were glad to receive positive support of their mission from the community. They went to advocate the mission of MacTEACH and that’s exactly what they did.

“I was beyond impressed with what the MacTEACH tutors had to say and how they presented it with so much heart,”  Mr. Davidson, coordinator of MacTEACH, said.

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