Thoughtful bookstore wonders

Incense burning and tarot reading, Unlimited Thought Bookstore is the place to get your spiritual needs fulfilled.

When you first walk in, you are greeted with the smell of soothing incense and calming music filling your soul. On your left, there are rows of different kinds of books, whichever pertin to your interest. Unlimited thought does not focus on one spiritual identity, so if you are looking for a book about angels or reincarnation, they’ll have it. There is also a sitting center accompanied with a keurig where you can sit down with a warm drink and a nice book.

On the right side of the store is where it gets interesting. You’ll find tables full of different kinds of crystals which, if you’re into crystals, you’ll know they all have different meanings and purposes. After picking up a crystal that appeals to you, there are “Crystal Meaning Book”s where you can see how the rock helps you.

You will also find a very unique Wiccan section. They have many book of shadows for references, white sage, and tiny pieces you can use for your altar.

Photo from Unlimited Thought Enrichment Center.
Photo from Unlimited Thought Enrichment Center.

And of course, there are the very nice, very helpful psychics. We have Jeanne, a kind and nurturing woman who will give you very accurate readings. She is available Monday, Friday, and Saturdays. There’s also William, the life coach, who helps you choose which path to take when it comes to an internal or external problem. Life coaches are like angels on your shoulder when you get stuck.


Along with regular readings and store hours, there is a Psychic Fair every first week of the month. Tarot readings are discounted and there are small subcategory shops inside of the store with even more spiritual merchandise to sell.

If you want to make an appointment with one of the psychics, just go in and see who is available that day. While you are waiting for your reading, you may also walk around and do some shopping.

On the occasion you want to learn how to do tarot card readings, the store does offer different types of seminars every month. They’re hosted by the stores best, and you really learn a lot.

This bookshop is very welcoming, I would highly suggest going in even if you aren’t going to get a reading. It’s still an amazing place to buy some incense and relax after long day.

Blessed be.


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2 thoughts on “Thoughtful bookstore wonders

  1. This artical makes me want to visit this bookstore today. I’ve been there before and the author described the store perfectly.

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