David’s Law

David’s Law started when David Molak a 16 year old in San Antonio, Texas was harassed online so badly he commited suicide . David´s Law helps kids who are bullied online even if its off campus. Students can be charged with a misdemeanor for harassing or bullying anyone under the age of 18 through text messages , social media , or any apps . It provides additional counseling and rehabilitation  services to the aggressor and victim . I interviewed Ms.Carraway , a counselor here at Nimitz Middle School, and these were her answers :


 How does David’s Law affect our school ?

“With David’s Law, there are harsher consequences for those who bully/cyberbully.  Students will hopefully take that into consideration when thinking about how they treat others.”

Has David’s Law had a big impact in cyberbullying ?

“I want to think that this new law has had an impact on cyberbullying, but I’m not completely sure.  I do think that David’s Law has at least brought attention to the problem of cyberbullying, which is definitely a start.”

Have you witnessed cyberbullying yourself , and if so did you take any action ?

“I have witnessed cyberbullying first hand because I was cyberbullied on my neighborhood app.  A man said I ran over some baby ducks and posted a picture of my car and license plate, then posted mean and threatening comments.  So did other neighbors. I had to make a police report because I was scared for my safety, as well as report the post to the app website.  The post was removed.”

What would you say to anyone who is or has been cyberbullied ?

“I would tell anyone who has been cyberbullied to do their best to NOT read the negative posts, to report it and to talk to an adult if they are being harassed.”

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