
Emilie Villegas

Look into a mirror. What do you see? Obviously, you see me, standing there. Looking back at you, are dark eyes. Ones that  have seen everything. Ones that have seen nothing. Tired, yet relieved. Dull, but vibrant. Nothing to gain; everything to lose. I’m not happy, nor sad. I’ve lost my mind. Nothing to think about; nothing to see. Just blank.

Pick up a piece of paper. What do you see? You’ll see that it’s blank. Look at it closer. What can you imagine? What can you write? What can you draw? What can you mold this piece of paper in to? A lot. You can do so many things with just one piece of paper. Now look back at the mirror. I too, have a paper. What’s on it? Nothing? Right. For years my paper has been blank. Empty. Not even a wrinkle covers its surface. Now look at yours. Ideas run through your head. They may not be good, but it’s something. You’ve made a story. One for yourself. You can write down your thoughts. Draw a new world. Imagine the things you can do.

Look into a mirror. What do you see? Me, and a piece of paper. For years it has been there. Yet there is nothing on it. I’ve hidden away from people, the world, and my own thoughts. I can imagine you’re in a room. A room of thoughts. Look behind me. Behind me in this mirror  is a life. A world full of beauty. Positive thoughts. This is a reflection of what’s behind you. Stop looking into the mirror. It doesn’t contain you. You can look away.

After all, a mirror is just glass.

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