Milton’s Class Makes Annual Blast to Past

By Austin Cohea | Assistant Editor |

Pre-AP World History and AP Euro History teacher Conni Milton threw her annual party for her AP Euro history classes celebrating Renaissance Court on Oct. 13.

This year, with new classes, Milton continued the tradition with food, costumes, and M&Ms.

Conni Milton as Signora Constanza of Milan opens a food package, while Cameron Vines as Leonardo DaVinci and Nathan Nunnelly as Pope Leo X wait patiently.

This year, it’s three times the fun, Milton has three AP Euro History classes with 67 students in total.

To be in AP Euro history, students must first complete an AP or Pre-AP course in your previous years, so many of the students have looked forward to this event for a long time.

“I’d say being able dress up and act like someone else,”  sophomore Cameron Vines said, “Like being Leonardo DaVinci, this is a character, or an actual person that I respect.”

The scene was set with a table with food characters from the renaissance may have actually eaten.

“My favorite part was probably all the food that we brought in, and we just had a big feast,” sophomore Nathan Nunnely said, “It was just a really good event and just like, it allows us to learn about, or portray what we think that person would be like.”