It’s important to take time for self-care

By Hailey Massey |

With the arrival of 2018 it’s expected to see people listing their new year resolutions on every place they can online. And with the rise and popularity of sharing skin care regimens on social media platforms towards the end of 2017, one resolution should be on everyone’s list – self care.  

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Skin care was trending in 2017, but a good skin care regimen is only part of what makes up self care. The concept of self care is simple – do things to uplift and better yourself and your life. It’s not just skin care, overpriced bath accessories from Lush, and keeping a bullet journal. It’s the little things that add up to create a sense of self care in your life, the way it’s went about just depends on the person.

It’s proven that after practicing self care there will be positive changes in your bodily and mental health. According to health, practicing it can improve your overall health. Any form of care can help towards a “recovery” such as working out, hygiene, being social and creating at least one type of routine. Still, skin care is a good addition to add to a self care plan and it goes along with both improving physical and mental health.

Sills Dermatology brings up a few good points that should bring you to incorporating a skin care regimen into your daily life. It’s important to take care of your organs and your skin is the biggest organ system you have in your body, so it only makes sense to set time aside to take care of it. Another benefit of a daily skin care regimen is how you have to commit to it which actually helps with individuals with certain mental illnesses.

Even though self care is vital for your well being when you commit to it, it’s often difficult for certain people with depression to even attempt it. They prematurely except that there is no possible way to fully commit to practicing self care. But, little do they know self care isn’t as difficult as it seems. The root of self care is as easy as getting out of bed even if you feel like you shouldn’t, getting ready for the day and taking your medicine on time.

Self care is one of the best new year’s resolutions to have on your 2018 list because it not only gives you something to keep in mind in your daily life; it also gives a positive impact on your mental and physical health. The ideology of this is something you should strive to integrate into your life to improve such things as these. The process can happen slowly, but once you find a comfortable pace it’ll be one of the most healthy decisions you’ve ever made and you’ll see your perspective on your personal life change.