Wrangler Hour of Code

Computers are everywhere, but fewer schools teach computer science than 10 years ago. Girls and minorities are severely underrepresented. Good news is, we’re on our way to change this.

In one week last year, 15 million students tried computer science! Computer science was on homepages of Google, MSN, Yahoo! and Disney. President Obama, Shakira and Ashton Kutcher all kicked off the Hour of Code with videos. Over 100 partners came together to support this movement.

Now the Hour of Code movement is aiming for 100 million students. As of December 12, 2014 the world has seen 70 million students complete their hour of code.  This is truly amazing.

The Hour of Code, organized by the nonprofit Code.org and over 100 others, is a statement that today’s generation of students are ready to learn critical skills for 21st century success.

This week, across 180 countries, millions of people are learning new skills that can change the rest of their lives. The Hour of Code 2014 is already twice as big as last year! Over 500 signed up for the hour of code at Wood Middle School all week students, teachers, parents, and community members came through Mrs. Brown’s computer lab earning their certificates and many others participated at home. This Computer Science Week has been like no other here at our fabulous School.

Click here so see a glimpse of some proud moments – http://tinyurl.com/wranglercode