Do State Issued Tests Cause Unnecessary Stress for Students?

By Trinity Russell


Kids all across America have been taking some form of state issued test for the majority of their life. Every day kids are prepared for this test but in the end, they are still scared! When one test can determine whether or not they pass or fail it can add a lot of unwanted anxiety. The day before students are to take the test they are told to get a good night sleep and eat a good breakfast, but some kids are so nervous they can’t sleep or eat in the morning. Even if some kids who are nervous manage to eat there s a possibly they will throw up all because of a test and the worst part about this whole ordeal is that most of the time students are asked to take test after test. The way students are asked to take the tests is absolutely ridiculous! You put twenty or so kids in a silent room for four hours (keep in mind these kids are tired because they couldn’t sleep the night before.) do yo really think they aren’t going to fall asleep during the test? This causes more worry because they have no idea how much time they have left on the test and start to rush to finish this causes their performance to fail and as a result, the students score is not best represented.  But of course, not all people can understand a student’s point of view so let’s switch to the teachers. Being a teacher is already unbelievably stressful. Dealing with everything from students who won’t pay attention to making sure all 180 something kids are all caught up do you really think they want to deal with a test of this importance? No! Teachers have to prepare their students for the test but also have to make sure that they themselves are prepared for the long process and they also have to deal with the anxiety of getting the results back. Although teachers don’t have to take the test they still have a lot of pressure associated with it.

   State issued tests add a lot of stress on both teacher and student.  Not all people will agree with what has been said but I think everyone can agree that stress is not a fun thing to deal with. Even so, the question still stands,  Do state issued tests cause unnecessary stress for students and teachers alike? You do the math.