Farfelina The Zombie

| December 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

Noah Heselton, DEC 20, BMS

There once lived a zombie gnome his name was Farfelina, he lived in a young mans garden, or what used to be a garden. What used to be fluorescent green bushes was now some old dirty branches with spider webs and bats. Farfelina didn’t use to be a zombie, in fact he isn’t a real zombie, Just a gnome  missing pieces and parts, covered with black and red paint. Anyways we are here   to tell you about his home we are here to tell you about one of his favorite childhood memories.

it was a dark and stormy night, nah I’m just kidding it was a day were in the morning you needed a light jacket, but not for very long. He was a brand new gnome fresh out of the box he was wearing a hat covered with an little green bunnies and orange butterflies. The man that owned him was just married, his little wife come to look  and take care of the garden. As the years grew the garden got more and more attention, big and beautiful. It attracted the most interesting animal and insects, Farfelina’s favorite was a nice little caterpillar named Marcel. Marcel was small for his age but never backed down not even for the scariest of things. One day Marcel climbed up a tree because he was tired. Not realizing how high up he was and he passed out. The next day farfelina did not know where Marcel was so he got very worried. The next day Marcel woke up, but something was wrong, something was different, He was a big beautiful butterfly. He flew down to alert his friend,  but Farfelina did not know who he was so he panicked. At last the caterpillar did something to prove he was Marcel, he jumped off the branch and landed on a bed of moss. Right then and there farfelina knew it was Marcel, and since then they have been best friends!

Category: Creative Writing

About the Author ()

I am pretty awesome. I have 2 brothers, one is 7 and one is 9. Im amazingingly GORGEOUS and amazing. i love to read and write and my best friends are ruddy destiny jenekia brea jenah maddy noah giana gabby beyonce maggy hunter abi abbi batman and rebbeca. my favorite song is titanium and my favorite book and movies are the twilight series.

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