Brr-Cold Weather

               “I like the cold weather, “says Jade Brookbank (7).  It was cold Thursday and Friday, but now it feels like it’s getting warmer. The days go on and off from cold to warm to extremely hot. Everybody at school was allowed to wear non-uniform jackets.

It was cold all over San Antonio, very cold, and this cold front came from nowhere. It was cold at Garner Middle School, so cold in fact you could see air coming from people’s mouth. Everyone was wearing a Garner hoodie or a jacket.

Thursday and Friday was very cold and then on Saturday and Sunday it was warmer during the day. Monday is slightly cloudy and windy. “I didn’t even have to wear a jacket on Monday,” says Grace Kim (7).

On the news Wednesday night they said a major cold front was coming Thursday and possibly Friday. A cold front is something that doesn’t happen much it Texas because usually it’s extremely hot in Texas.