“The Town” Movie Review

Ben Affleck delivers an amazing performance in the new mtion picture “The Town”. This film, which brought in over $15 million the first week, is full of plot twists, dangerous disorder, and an ending that will you keep you wondering. Almost every scene if filled with firing gun shots and non stop on-the-go action, making this feature a definite thrill.

In the movie, thieves Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck) and Jem (Jeremy Runner), are part of a robbing crew that paints the streets of Boston with chaos. Working for the Irish mob, they are expected to keep up a habit of risking their lives for cash, putting this tight crew in predicaments they aren’t quite ready for.

Besides being action packed, this movie also has a strong romantic flare to it, when misfit Doug MacRay falls for Claire Keesey (Rebecca Hall), a hostage taken in one of their classic bank robberies.

Keesey not knowing or suspecting that MacRay was invloved with the crime, makes this movie combust with a mix of passion and havoc.

Ben Affleck, actor and director of “The Town”, shows his true talent in this movie, taking the audience into their world of corruption and mayhem. Ending in a whirlwind of conflicting emotion and disarray, this movie definitely earns several rounds of applause!

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About briana-cardenas

Hi! My name is Briana but most people call me Bri :) I am currently on staff for the Brahma Tales newspaper and i love it! i am also part of Bullseye literary magazine and UIL ready writing. As you can tell by all of the activites i am in, i enjoy writing very much. It has been my lifelong passion and i hope to make it a career one day. I get along with all types of people and i am very friendly.

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