
Honeybees are often taken for granted or overlooked because people only view them as a flying nuisance that sting when easily tempered. What many don’t realize is the bite-sized population that pollinates one-third of all the food in America has been dropping since 2006, and many scientists fear an extinction of bees will jeopardize human existence.

Scientists refer to the problem as colony collapse disorder (CCD), a syndrome in which all adult bees leave the hive and are never seen again. Not even a single dead bee is found on the ground. Beekeepers all over the U.S. and world have reported losing up to 90% of their colony overnight.

The true cause is unknown but many analysts concluded that pesticides and pathogens used on crops disorient the bees, causing them to wander from the hive and eventually die.

Albert Einstein once said:

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left.”

While not all entomologists would follow Einstein’s theory, all agree the disappearance of bees would devastate the human population.

It’s simply put, no bees, no pollination, less food for people to consume. Not only do bees generate 15 billion dollars in crop value, but also pollinate specialty crops like almonds, berries, fruits, and vegetables. California alone produces 80% of the world’s almonds that are pollinated by bees.

On a lighter note, the sudden disappearance could just be a pattern. Historical records from the 1880s, 1920s, and 60s have descriptions similar to CCD. Let’s hope it’s just a pattern, before produce prices skyrocket through the roof.

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