The Vow – Review

The hype over The Vow, featuring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum, is very much deserved. Based on a true story, it has proven to be not only romantic, but somewhat realistic. The Vow is not your typical romantic movie; the strain, frustration, and disappointment the couple endures mirrors aspects of a true relationship. It was refreshing to see an alternative to the typical Hollywood-inspired, whirlwind love at first sight.

The movie contains thematic morals such as determination, patience, and perseverance, as portrayed by  Channing Tatum’s character, Leo. The movie is narrated through Leo’s perspective and incorporates his struggle with love, loss, letting go, and starting new.

Rachel McAdam’s character, Paige, deals with finding the person she was two years prior to her accident. She tries to find out who her husband was; why she loved him, and the mystery of why she left her suburban life of family and law school, for the eccentric life of art and love in the city.

(*SPOILER ALERT*)As an audience member, I felt the pain and frustration Leo faces in trying to get his wife to love him again, along with the disappointment and confusion Paige feels. During the movie, I went from being frustrated to understanding to being satisfied; I appreciated the love and dedication that Leo had for his wife. I was upset watching Paige choose to return to the path of suburbia, along with her ex fiance and all the secrets her family his hiding, yet I understood Paige’s want to find herself and her talent. Finally, I was content with the couple’s reconciliation post-divorce and the movies positive cliff hanger ending.

Overall, I give the Vow a 7.5 out of 10.

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About bekahcaldera

Hey I'm Bekah, I am a senior. I am involved in the Mac Drama department, Student Council, amongst various other groups and clubs such as The Kniche ( Mac's Knitting Club!). When i'm not acting or writing, I like to spend my time sewing. I love anything and everything having to do with skin care and beauty information, i hope to pursue a career in dermatology, if not fashion design. I'm usually very optimistic and am always up for conversation.

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