How Phony is Kony 2012?

The KONY 2012 posters, photo from BooksReview

Imagine the streets of our city covered in red and blue posters, stickers, and flyers put up by kids in red and blue t-shirts that all read “Kony 2012”.

This is the plan behind Kony 4/20, or “Cover the Night”, started by the Invisible Children Organization, to help spread awareness of the Ugandan warlord, Joseph Kony. There are four easy steps to follow on Friday, April 20 that are on the “Cover the Night” agenda.

1) Wear a Kony 2012 t-shirt to get people curious about the cause.

2) Mail letters to your leaders explaining why you care.

3) Serve your community by leaving a Kony 2012 poster or flyer after each job.

4) Hit the streets! Cover walls, mailboxes, windows, or any surface with a Kony 2012 flyer.

The plan for the entire day is to raise awareness, but does anyone at our school have faith in the cause?

“I think it’s just a trend,” sophomore Taylor Wilcox said. “I mean it’s a nice idea, but probably nothing will happen. It’s not that I don’t want to be a part of it, I just don’t think I can do much. Like, I put up a poster at school. What’s next? It’s not going to help anything.”

Some students respect the cause, but not the organization behind it.

“I was all for the Kony 2012, until I found out it’s not exactly non-profit”, junior Victoria Sweet said. “Barely any money Invisible Children raises actually go to kids in Africa. The people who haven’t gone into [the information] too much might do it, though.”

Whether you are for or against the trending cause, keep your eyes peeled Friday for what the streets may – or may not- be covered in.


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About Sarah Morales

My name is Sarah and I'm the head editor :-)

One thought on “How Phony is Kony 2012?

  1. I think I’d care for Kony more if the organization trying to get him was more legitimate

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