The PSAT is Wednesday, Oct. 19. Studying may be a challenge when you have multiple subjects in one test. Seniors get to sleep in, but for those who don’t here are a couple tips for the PSAT.


Focus on your weakest subjects, Khan Academy is a great way to figure out what those weaknesses are. You can link your College Board account to your Khan Academy account, if you took a PSAT before it will analyze your strengths and weaknesses based on your score.


You don’t have to take a PSAT to get this analysis, there are multiple short tests you can take to get a personalized study plan.



Since there isn’t any material to study, make sure to get a good night of sleep. 



Eat a healthy breakfast before the test. Foods like eggs and yogurt make you feel full for longer. Breakfast can make you more cognitive and aware. 


Don’t Bring 

There are some things you shouldn’t bring to the test, as it will be invalidated. Don’t have earbuds in or an Apple Watch on, put all electronics away. No foods or drinks, reading material, pens, highlighters, or mechanical pencils are allowed in the test room.

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