NEISD Schools Push into Phase Three

By Marcos Perales | Big Stick Editor |

The school year is finally phasing into the type of schooling we all knew before—students rotating to classes and meeting their teachers in person. Roosevelt, with all of NEISD, is slowly adding students back on campus for in-person learning as part of transitioning into Phase Three today. With the coronavirus cases being as unpredictable as they have been, and a recent report of 1,533 new cases in Bexar County over the last 7 days, the district phases in tentatively, still not knowing what will happen.

Desks in the hallways remind students to walk to the right.

In phase 2, the campus  averaged about 270 students on campus per day (about 10 percent of our population) As of today, another 190 joined their ranks in Phase Three. Students are now able to walk through the hallways of Roosevelt, keeping to their right side, to rotate from classroom to classroom. 

“They are taking the precautions seriously, and of course we give friendly reminders when needed,” principal Bryan Norwood said last week. “Now that we are in Phase Two, students are beginning to make new friends and there’s a sense of normalcy.”

Distance learning has grown because it became necessary due to the worldwide circumstances with COVID-19. Though it has grown, that does not necessarily mean it is always as academically successful as a student and teacher talking face-to-face in the same room. In a recently conducted survey, 3 out of 4 students at Roosevelt said they’d prefer the traditional face to face.

‘I chose to come back to school because I was struggling with my classes and focusing,” sophomore Haylee Lincecum said.

For others, it’s not just academic success, but also just seeing other people. 

“Yes I do perform much better [on campus] and I am getting much more work done when it should be done,” freshman Paul Lucas said. “It felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders… and actually talking to people and being around my friends is nice and most of the time I’m happy because of that.”

“We walk to the right” is a motto that Roosevelt has taken up to ensure the safety of everyone who is now walking on school grounds. Desks have been placed in the middle of hallways to serve as a physical barrier and as a constant reminder on how serious the precautions should be taken.

“I’m excited to provide a safe environment for our students to learn,” principal Norwood said. “ I want our students to have a memorable high school experience…in the safest manner possible!”

Phase Three began today with the school allowing no more than 15 students per classroom. Approximately 465 students are scheduled to be on campus at that time. 

“At first my family was nervous about me going back as my mom is a teacher and she understands the risk of going back,” DATA senior Regina Tamez said. “They understood where I was coming from talking about how this is my senior year…they’ve seen how I have changed, if just slightly…they are still a little worried but overall are glad.”