The Best Kind of Pet you Can Get!

| December 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

By: Sadie Bowden

Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is wanting this cute little creature called a fennec fox. Now you may be thinking that any kind of fox could be dangerous to have as a pet, but these little guys don’t cause any harm to you or your family. (As long as they’re tamed!) If you are thinking about getting one of these adorable things, you need to know some basic information about them first.

*Do fennec foxes shed?

~Luckily no, but some do through a certain period of time like dogs and cats. Mostly when the climate or weather changes.

*How big does these foxes get?

~Fennec foxes usually get to be 3 ½ pounds and are about the size of a Chihuahua. Many people believe that they could even be some kind of a furry, long haired Chihuahua.

*Are they noisy? What sounds do they make?

~Some foxes can be extremely noisy at night and some might be as quiet as a bunny. It just depends on their kind of personality that they have. A dog bark sounds very similar to the sound fennec foxes make. They can also make a  purr or growl sound, but the most interesting is when they snarl which means that they are “fierce playing.”

*Are they like a cat or dog?

~In some ways, they are like a combination of a dog and a cat. People say that these foxes have more of a personality of a cat but more playfulness and energy of a dog.

*Lastly, do fennec foxes make good pets?

~Fennec foxes make wonderful, amazing pets, but you need to take good care of them! Even though you can have them as pets, they are still wild animals.

This is just some basic information… you need to do a lot more research on these furry creatures before getting one. But overall, fennec foxes are wonderful pets and you should think about getting one for Christmas!

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