What We Consider Violent

| December 10, 2010 | 0 Comments

Parker Jenschke
KMSN Staff

Is the world we live in too violent?  To answer that question you have to ask yourself one question.  What is violence to you?
Violence as the smallest thing is all around us.  If you work at a small office where everyone is in cubicles, you might be happy but what about others?  One person is thinking violence.  Is it the standard that only acts of violence are violent?
Because murderers with a mental disability don’t just kill for no reason. They had a thought of violence and got hooked upon that thought and carried out the thought.
But in the world, they are true violence such as war instead of thoughts of violence. War has been around since man has been around and saying war is violence is true but saying it is too violent is prosperous. The world is filled with war and we have been able to live with it.
Saying the world is too violent is saying life is too violent. Life is violent but it is never too violent. Children are able to have great lives in this world and the only way to see true violence is when every being is struggling every day.

But there is a different kind of violence which parents are more construed on which is virtual violence or just video game violence.

In these days video games vary in categories of violence. And violence can be described as anything such as a person being stabbed or hearing yelling and a person crying.
As an example, Modern Warfare, a very popular video game takes place in present time. It shows the journey of soldier’s missions in Iraq or where ever the army travels, and you get to do it yourself.
The bad part of this to parents is the killing and blowing up helicopters etc. But these things are happening every day in real life on the news, but we don’t shield our children from that. But when it comes to them playing an animation of them doing it themselves it is too violent.

I think the violence is just tolerated in certain aspects of life and we choose what is too violent. Video games are not too violent, they are just games. But the reason parents are scared is because they feel exposing kids to violence will make them more violent in life itself.
A good reason, yes, but exposure to violence won’t make them violent, it’s how they control and filter reality and how in reality we shouldn’t do such things as kill. Is the world too violent?
No, it is life and life without violence is a purgatory of nothing, but believe there is violence to be aware of but never too violent.

Category: Editorial

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