Top 10 Best Things About Autumn

Fall is fresh, calm, and relaxing. The season changes and so does your attire along with the things that you involve yourself in. Comfort is the first thing on everybody’s mind, so here’s  a few things that you may want to consider wearing.

1. Uggs/boots

Keep your legs warm! Don’t be that person who wears shorts and complains about being too cold. Wear boots or jeans at least to keep warm. Old Navy and Uggs have their own online stores you could purchase cozy boots from.

2. Sweaters and baggy clothes

It’s the beginning of a judge free zone, you can wear whatever you want and your excuse is “it’s too cold outside so I decided to wear sweats.” The season introduces the cold windy weather and all that should be under consideration is warmth and comfort, it shouldn’t matter what people have to say as long as your comfortable.

3. Warm cocoa and coffee

There’s nothing better then bundling up and enjoying a nice cup of coffee. Not only are you warm on the outside, but you feel fuzzy and cuddly on the inside.

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Enjoy a nice cup of coffee. Photo from:

4. Prepare for Halloween costumes

Not only is October the month that introduces the fall season, but it’s also the first day of Halloween. Halloween needs so much preparation, everything has to be precise, costumes perfected and all must go well. For example if you’re Dracula, the face paint and blood need to be  equal so there’s not an overpowering amount of blood everywhere.

5. An excuse to stay in and binge on the new Netflix series

Even if there’s homework to do, most of us want to be lazy and continue obsessing over our all-time favorite show. Get the popcorn out and Mountain Dew out and stay up for hours watching the “new releases” shows that have already aired on TV but re-watching them seems a good idea.

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Get ready to watch your favorite show. Photo from:

6. Create a haunted house to scare all the neighborhood kids

Scaring kids is not complicated. All that you have to do is randomly pop out from behind a wall and shout loudly then they’ll begin to cry of fear. On Halloween night display a mini haunted house in your front yard for them, ask them if they want to walk through it, once completed award them with candy.  Not only do the children get treats, but it’s a great way to get the community involved and have a little fun.

7. Clean the house since it’s too cold to go out

Be helpful to your parents and do something useful, try cleaning the house. Wash the dishes, fold the clothes, clean the bathroom, vacuum, or dust. Make a noticeable difference so the house is more eye appealing. After all the hard work the house will smell better and you can relax more comfortably.

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Bring out those cleaning products and get to work. Photo from:

8. Stalk your favorite YouTuber’s channel

Go look at the most recent posts and your favorite blogger or band and just watch all of the posted videos. Once you’ve finished watching them, try searching video tutorials and

9. Get crafty

Go on Google and look up crafty things to do. Bring out the construction paper, glue bottle, and glitter so you could be creative and do something you normally wouldn’t. You could even learn to knit and make yourself a nice scarf since the weather is getting chilly.

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Be creative and decorate your house with your own art. Photo from:

10. Do absolutely nothing, munch out and be lazy

As a last resort just stay home and do absolutely nothing. Stay in bed all day and eat your bag of Hot Cheetos to control your hunger. Lay in the dark and hope that your mom brings you a plate of Pizza Rolls and a cup of apple juice so you don’t have to get up. The only exception is for food and using the bathroom, other than that there’s really no use to get up.

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