Mavs Prepare to Brush Off Losses Against Churchill

By Richard Henandez

Coming off a blowout win against New Braunfels and facing the number two ranked team in the state, Mav pride was apart. However, as many fans continued to fill the stands and kickoff began the sea of burnt orange and blue grew silent. Smithson Valley hushed the crowd in a hurry,  as they returned the opening kickoff for a touchdown.

The Mavs never really caught up.

The game ended with the losing score of 49-25, and left the Mavs with a bad taste in their mouths.

“We were disappointed obviously,” head coach Jim Streety said. “We made too many mistakes, but we can play better than that. We are still looking to improve.”

With the pre-district season over the Mavs hope to move pass the tough losses.

“Once we start district it’s a whole new game,” Streety added.

This would not be the first time that the Mavs have entered district play with what some would call a disappointing loss. Last year after a big loss against Judson in the pre-district season, the Mavs went on to put the questioners behind and make a run all the way to state semi-finals after many had counted them down and out.

“We just always start like that,” senior running back Galen Mcallister said. “We just have some cleaning up to do. Once we do that we’ll be the team to beat.”

With the first district game this Friday against Churchill, at Heroes stadium, the team is preparing to start off fresh.

“We’re hyped it’s a new beginning we’re putting all of the last four games behind us and hopefully working towards a district title,” Mcallister added.

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