Debate Team earns fall honors

By Andres Del Toro |

As the fall season comes to a close, the debate team has racked up quite a few award. So far they have earned a total of five awards at TFA, or Texas Forensic Association, tournaments.


Ariel Jeter holds an award she earned. Courtesy Photo.

“Our assistant coach really pushes us and helps us,” said co-president junior Ariel Jeter.

The team is practicing every day in class and also hosting after school practice almost every day. With a competition nearly every weekend, the team is more than prepared for the task of obtaining more state points, being led by one of their co presidents who has four state points, Ariel Jeter. Along with the other co-president, Isabela Guel, the debaters continue to strive toward success.

“I read as many articles as possible. I also watch the news and try to stay as updated as I can be,” Jeter said.

Their next competition will be in January.