Dual Credit Shakeup

The tedious work of students has been pushed aside as San Antonio College waived their dual credit to BC Calculus as a result of bad contracting with N.E.I.S.D. Upperclassmen were taken back after the opportunity  to enroll into dual credit ceased to exist. By taking an accuplacer and turning in forms, students can sometimes skip out on the remedial classes of college. Besides the constant SAT and ACT stress, as well as with other extracurriculars, students like myself applaud the ease in having a dual credit class. The relief can seem huge, only requiring an 80-plus grade average. BC and AB students are concerned with the effect of the unique situation. The contracts on dual-credit eligibility will be fixed by the next school year.

Mr. Hal Jennings, calculus and precal teacher, believes that dual credit applications should be easier to acquire.

“It should be a more cut and dry process for students, [because] if they didn’t have to dodge all of the hula hoops of work [they would get along easier], Jennings said.

Lead counselor Mrs. Natalie Bates is in charge of the dual credit situation and handles the business of lining up scores or accuplacers.

“SAT scores make you eligible. It is very important to get as much of the college credit as you can,” Bates said.

Eleven students became eligible after reviewing their SAT scores, and one by their ACT score. For now, all of the classes who didn’t make the cut will be forced to work up to their AP exams in May.


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About zach-royston

I'm Zach Royston and this year I am a senior at MacArthur High. I enjoy playing soccer, making music and using the English language.

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