Be the Fine Arts advocate

by | Talana Tyler

Staff Reporter


The Fine Arts department is a way for students to show their passion through music, art, and performance. This year’s program is not the same as the previous years due to the minimal recognition the students and teachers get when they win certain awards that highlight the school as a whole. 

Students have expressed concerns about the unsupportive school district only uplifting sports that don’t benefit the brain and social structure as much as band, choir, orchestra, and many other art activities. These extracurricular programs allow students to capture moments while expressing themselves.

“The school board says UIL and the art club make up fine arts as well. But you don’t really see any other art classes being represented. Our art program does much better than our sports programs,” junior Harper Wise said.

In this program, students are encouraged to express themselves by creating something that represents their values and interests. 

“The school has a whole building dedicated to that group of students and yet they aren’t acknowledged for their achievements,” Wise says

Unfortunately, the value and support for fine arts have faced challenges in recent times. Budget cuts in schools and a shift in societal priorities have led to a decline in funding and resources for arts programs. The announcements that the school holds each day at the beginning of the period provide important information.

The announcements consist of lunch menus, public clubs, meetings, and sports events that are being held that week. The fine arts department has yet to hear their recognition for the performances. 

“If the the fine arts department was recognized just as much as the football players and other sports the fine art students wouldn’t be speaking out,” Wise said.

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