Thank You and Good Night

Dear MacArthur High School,


This year was nothing like what I thought it would be, yet everything I wanted it to be all in one. I stepped into my role as Editor-in-Chief with so many expectations for how I would lead a staff for the very first time. I can honestly say that all of those expectations changed the minute I stepped in front of the class for the first time to pitch stories. They changed when I learned about the different people on my staff and the talents they all possessed. Thinking about how far each person has come, especially the underclassmen, has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. I could not be more honored and proud to say that I got to work with these amazing humans for my last year.


While so many things did not turn out the way I had expected, I can easily say that it has been the best year of high school. I will never forget the memories I have with my friends, such as when we were deliriously studying at Barnes and Noble the day after Homecoming, or belting our favorite songs in the car with the windows down. Those moments are timeless. I will always remember taking photos of football games and getting to become friends with new people. Mac Media will be one of the greatest highlights of my high school career because we do more than edit photos for hours and use red pen to edit stories. We’ve become a family, one that I will miss more than they will ever realize. As I go off to college and a future career, the newsroom and these people will always have a special place in my heart.


With Love,


Gianna DiPasquale

Brahma News Editor-in-Chief

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