Gobble Your Fines Away

By Makala Finley

This time of year is a time to be thankful and to help others out, and that’s just what the library is doing.  The librarians have recently decided to let students “gobble” their extensive library fines away…by drawing a turkey that is. Just a few months into school, and hundreds of students already owe fines for overdue books. At 10 cents per school day for a late book, fines can rack up fast.

Unfortunately, a majority of the fines are owed by juniors who have recently been checking out books for class reading. If students do not return books and pay fines, then they are unable to check out more books.

“Twice a year we like to give students a break who have fines so they can check out books again,” librarian Kristy Dewinne said.

The turkey drawing begins today and runs through Friday. The turkey must be drawn on paper, it may be any size and the only rule is that it must resemble a turkey. If the librarians can tell that the drawing is a turkey, then the fines are swapped. Do note though that the turkey drawing will not pay for the lost book. Students must replace the lost book on their own.

Turkey pictures will be displayed in the librarian’s office windows. Turkey trot down to the library and check out the students vow to rid themselves of fines, and at the time check if you owe a fine. Remember, this generous offer expires Friday at 4:30 p.m.

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