Students ‘wear’ school spirit


After a backwards Thursday, students today are pumped up for the football game.

According to senior varsity Cheerleader Gabrielle Torrez, Spirit Days have been in action for as long as Roosevelt has been standing. The were created, she said, to  promote school spirit and pump everyone up for the Big Game.

Rough Rider students have the opportunity to share their school spirit based on what themes the Cheerleaders can come up with. Many themes relate back to what they “want” to do to the opposing team; such as, ”blind” them and wear neon colors. There are many themes to choose from this year but students have favorites.

” My favorite spirit days are backwards day because we switch uniforms with the patriots and also nerd day because it has the most participation,” Torrez said.

From having many options to chose from this year, dressing up as your favorite super hero or having a taste of when our parents were “young” on 80’s day; playing out a fake injury or having stuff backwards, Valerie Marquez’s favorite is quite an ordinary day.

“I really like Rockstar Day because you get to see what everyone’s favorite kind of rock is and everybody just looks amazing!,” Marquez, a Senior, said.

Many students enjoy dressing up and showing their school spirit; however, others may be embarrassed or worry they will be made fun of or just prefer not to do it but enjoy to watch others dress up.

“I don’t really participate in spirit days but I would prefer to do Superhero day because it seems more fun than dressing up for 80’s or like a cowboy. I know barely anybody does it right now but maybe as time goes by and we gain more school spirit there will be more dress ups,” Steven Villanueva, freshman, said.

Wearing bright colors and showing that Western spirit, or even animal print and expressing your true ‘nerd-iness’ will all be spirit themes this year that Rough Riders are welcome to participate in to show their school spirit.

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