Students Study For Finals

By Kathya Anguiano |

With finals running all this week, before students get to enjoy two weeks off for Christmas Break, students are working hard and making sure they ace their final exams to come back with a new year and a good start.

Final exams have been scheduled to test students on an overall learning process of the whole semester to allow students to pass the course and acknowledge what they have learned. To do well on them, students use many methods to get ready.

“I usually just put the review questions on flashcards and look up the answers on the back and study them every free time I have,” junior Esli Silva said.  “I even ask my mom to quiz me and during lunch if we finish eating early I have my friends quiz me on the flashcards as well.”

Freshman Bryan Gonzalez prefers to study with both his friends and his own brain to study for his finals.

“I normally find a friend in the same class period or who would have the same class so we can study together and then if they don’t have time to study with me, I study by myself in my room,” Gonzalez said.

Many students seem to be trying their hardest to study hard and make sure that they pass their finals for a great new fresh start in the new year and just be that much closer to making it for June without a problem.

Finals today include first and seventh periods. Tomorrow is second and eighth.