PTSA To Host Fashion Show

By Fatima Valadez

The Parent Teacher  Student  Association is bringing a  Spring Fashion show to the school on Friday,  March 1 at 6: 30 p.m. in the auditorium. The concept of this show is to bring fashion and spring fashion to school. This also helps raise money for Project Graduation. The PTSA Parent and Fashion show coordinator, Pamela McKinney and PTSA president Sonja Armstrong are working hard to bring all the style together.

This project will co-sponsor Project Graduation 2013 for seniors, the tickets will be $5 dollars pre-sale and $8 dollars at the door and can be bought during lunch. Band, dance, theatre, and ROTC are being asked to participate. Student auditions were on Wednesday, Feb. 6. The supply fashions are going to be J Marie Designs, Al’s Formalwear, Melrose, Royal T Ink and Koutoure Clothing. Everybody can participate: freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. They don’t have to really how to model; people will teach them how. The feature class will be the Fashion Design with teacher Karol Rademacher.

The requirements they ask to enter are to just walk and show off your personality. The judges are also hoping both girls and boys from any grade, but specially seniors, because it’s for them and helps the Project Graduation. The theme is  to have this fashion show is TR style, spring fashion and you. The organizations that are going to be on the fashion show is the TR general population, members of the fashion design class and marketing classes.