Books v. Nook

By Danielle Cramberg Nooks, Kindles, and other E-readers have become increasingly popular, replacing hardback and paperback books at unbelievable rates. The question is whether this is an innovative improvement or a literary travesty. Nooks come with many great qualities. Most of them serve more functions than just an electronic book, such as the capability to…

Social Media: Blessing, or Curse?

By Danielle Cramberg We live in a generation where people wake up and check their Twitter and Facebook accounts instead of reading the newspaper; people fall asleep scrolling through Tumblr instead of reading a book. Social media does have it’s benefits. People are able to network now more than ever before, reaching out to colleagues,…

Grounded For Life

By Danielle Cramberg Let’s face it: if any of us have ever given in to our angst filled impulses, we’ve probably been grounded. We can be grounded for whatever our parents feel needs to be punished– missing curfew, talking back, or a million different things. But in our society, where grades are reflective of self…

Partially Promiscuous

By Danielle Cramberg In the 18th century, dating didn’t exist. It wasn’t called dating, at least. It was called courtship. Young men were called suitors, eagerly courting young women in their town, looking for a woman to marry to have their children. The girls they courted were looking for a respectable husband who could provide…

Da Vinci vs. One Direction

By Danielle Cramberg Music is a form of art, commonly considered an outlet for expression. Musicians express something and people all over the world empathize with it. Music is the great uniter, bringing people together in a way little else can. Music can capture a moment, a relationship, an idea. So, if music is capable…

The Super Novice

By Danielle Cramberg Tristan Garcia, a 16 year old senior, is now is considered this year’s “Super Novice” of the Madison Debate team. Even though this is his first year competing in debate, he already shows exceptional skill and potential. He has competed in congress this far in the year, but recently switched to PF…

New Faces: Joiner

By Danielle Cramberg Felicia Joiner, another of the new members of the assistant principals, is excited to spend her 16 year in education at Madison High School. She is very happy in her new surroundings. “I love the community,” Joiner said. “I love the people I’m working with.” Like the other assistant principals, she loves…

New Faces: Herrera

By Danielle Cramberg Mr. Herrera, another of the new administrators, has been working in education for 17 years. He worked at Kennedy High School for the last 15 years, both as a government teacher and as a coach for football, soccer, and basketball. He hopes to raise awareness at Madison about the UIL programs available,…

New Faces: Ptasnik

By Danielle Cramberg One of five new administrators, Misty Ptasnik joins the Madison faculty. Although new to this campus, twenty years of experience followed her here. Despite not being here very long, Ptasnik already feels passionately about Madison. She loves the positive spirit and energy that Madison is notorious for. She hopes to help Madison…