Students should treat restrooms better

By Oscar Ramirez |

The men’s restrooms on campus are always dirty with urine and paper towels on the floor. The toilets are dirty with unflushed contents and they also smell most of the time. Teens need to be more sanitary and be neat and clean while going to the restroom. Boys restroom

The restrooms are nauseating, nasty and really dirty. Most of the time there isn’t any paper towels or soap to wash your hands. Custodians need to clean the restrooms and replace anything that needs to be replaced, but students also need to not waste material.

People can get sick by all the urine and human waste that people don’t flush or leave on the toilet. What the people do in the restroom is supposed to be proper and clean. People who do this need to understand that they need to leave the restrooms clean because it makes the custodians’ jobs easier.

The people might think its funny to make a mess in the restroom, but honestly it’s not funny its actually really nasty and messy. It is serious; they are making a big mess and this had to stop as soon as possible .


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