No Pay, No Diploma

By Juan Villanueva |

With senior pictures just around the corner, seniors are thinking about their senior dues.

In the first weeks of school, english teachers handed out senior packets with information that told seniors all about the mandatory fee.

The fee which includes many expenses such as Senior Breakfast (held at the end of the year), field day, Senior Awards Night, senior t-shirts, yearbook coverage and more, is due on the last day of the fall semester, Dec. 21 by 4:15 PM and must be payed to either Mr. Riser in E204, Mrs. Vasquez in the AP office, Mrs. Whitfield in RR 228 or online through parent portal.


Loose change and small bills are a good way to come up with $50, especially for seniors have a lot of it.

Seniors who do not pay the $50 fee will not receive their final transcripts, high school diploma and will not be able to participate in senior related activities.

“All seniors must pay their senior dues to go on the field trips, and receive their diploma in June,” senior sponsor Paul Riser said. “All of the money collected directly comes back to our senior students.”

For those who choose to pay in second semester, this will result in a late fee of $10.

Students should also remember to fill out the forms in the senior packet and return them the same day that the fee is paid as these are required to attend senior field trips next spring. The forms will not be accepted after three weeks prior to the day of the trips.

“Now that I paid for my senior dues I feel like it is one thing off my checklist towards graduation,” senior Adriana Padgett said. “In a way it was exciting to pay it because it’s an indication that I survived high school.”