Blood Drive gives helping hand during Holiday

By Juan Villanueva | Big Stick Editor |

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.* For that reason, blood is collected all over the country and our campus becomes part of that collection every year.

This past Tuesday, students were offered the chance to give blood during holiday. This is an important time for the fact that individuals get a possibility of getting out of hospitals to spend times with their families.


The blood mobile stands outside as crew members get everything ready for donors.

“Every time you give blood, you save three lives,” donor recruitment consult Chad Brooks said. “Especially during holiday, people are stuck in hospitals and instead of staying in there, they get to go home.”

To encourage students to come out and donate, four blood drives take place every year on campus.

“I just like to give blood because it’s cool to know you can help somebody else,” senior Katarina Martinez said.

In the end, a total of 67 blood units were collected, meeting the goal of 66 by one donor. Next, the bloodmobile will continue to go all around San Antonio to try and help save three more lives.

“My dad used to donate blood all the time,” junior Logan Welsh said. “It’s just a good thing to do.”

*Research according to the American Red Cross