National Portfolio Day proves helpful for future art students

Junior Kelly Nichols meets with an SVA representative. Courtesy Photo

By Hailey Massey | Assistant Editor |

On Sunday, Sept. 30, the art department took a group of students to Vincennes University in Houston for National Portfolio Day. The event was created as a way for art students to showcase their work and get feedback from art schools in order to prepare them for submitting their portfolios alongside college applications.

Seniors were given top priority for the event to ensure that they would be able to speak to college representatives, however, juniors were able to shadow their peers in order to ready themselves for the 2019 National Portfolio Day.

S’Lena Hinojosa, an AP studio art and regular art teacher, encouraged students to participate in National Portfolio Day regardless of whether students were certain they were attending an art school to further their educational career.

“It’s important to go to this event even if you’re on the fence about applying to an art school,” Hinojosa told her 5th period AP Studio Art class, “it’s a good way to just get feedback on your technique.”

National Portfolio Day participants pose with art teachers. Courtesy Photo

Throughout the day, the students talked to representatives from schools throughout the country, receiving constructive criticism and advice.

“Most people said to have more work in your portfolio and to have a story that helps develop your art,” junior Kelly Nichols said. “I’ll take all of the critiques into consideration and hopefully that will make my art grow.”