Key Club receives $20,000

by Lauren Tsai | Co-Editor-In-Chief

Key Club took top honors in a recent contest held by the Spurs.

The Johnson Key Club was recently named 1 of 5 Team Up Challenge Champions who received $20,000 from the Spurs Silver & Black Give Back Foundation.
“I was really shocked,” Key Club Vice President and junior Alex Gonzalez said. “I never thought that we would go this far. I was so surprised and really happy that we did.”
The club will continue its project with the San Antonio Food Bank. Funds will be used to support programs in the Spurs Community Garden and to purchase food which will be assembled into 50 lb boxes and gallon bag food packs. These groceries will be distributed to children and their families.
“Child hunger in this community is one of the main issues in San Antonio. It leaves children in shelters or even in schools without food. It leaves them wondering every day if they will have enough food. They don’t worry about the stresses that we do; they’re wondering if they’re going to survive,” Gonzalez said.
An increasing number of children are becoming victims to hunger.
“It’s a growing problem. I want to trickle it down so that it doesn’t become an epidemic, because it’s getting out of hand,” he said. “It’s terrible that they have to grow up like that. I see children on the streets, I see people living under bridges. They’re lacking a lot of necessities, but by providing even one necessity, we are making a change in their lives.”
Gonzalez’s goals are to lower the rate of child hunger and to raise awareness about the subject.
“I want to give every child the meals they deserve to have. There’s children dying out there who had a lot of potential; they’re lacking a necessity and that cripples them. I believe we have the power to stop it, and I’m really proud of this club that it’s taking action.”

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