January means it’s time for course cards

by Jonah Besenty | staff writer

Johnson students have been busy this past week filling out course cards, a process that takes place at the beginning of each second semester. In the past, the process has been simple but since the introduction of Skyward there will be changes to the process.

“The course selection process this year will be starting on Tuesday, Jan 22 and we will have a school wide course selection day where we will be showing students videos on course selection, and they’ll be receiving all their course cards and handouts in second period,” Courtney Tarbox said.

Course cards are handed out every year and is a way to help students figure out what they want to do in the future it works by paving out a road that corresponds with the students endorsement.

“Counselors want to help students finalize their course selection. So the idea is that students will talk with their teachers, parents, and friends and decide what thing they’re interested in and what classes they want to take, and especially what their teachers would recommend they take next year. Starting Jan 29 counselors will be meeting students individually through their english classes to be sure that their course selections help meet all the graduation requirements to keep students on track,” Tarbox said.

It is important to speak with Counselors, teachers, and peers and listen  to what recommendations they might have for you, but it’s also important that you know what courses you want to take.

“One new course is the AP seminar class, students will learn more about it through their social studies class, but it is for those students who want to learn about how to do better research,” Tarbox said.

In the past Skyward has given the district trouble with multiple things such as grades and attendance. However, the counselor and assistant principals have worked together and ran a test to make sure that nothing would break during the time when courses are inputted on to skyward.

“All course cards will be due by Jan 29 something new this year is that students will need to enter their course selections online through the skyward family access portal. We did a test run of the course request program on skyward and ran very smoothly so we don’t think there will be any problems,” Tarbox said.

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