“Riding In Style”

Michelle Bogush recived her Audi TT Coupe as a belated birthday present a week before school started. She was shocked, and loved it.
Josh Irwin's Mercedes was given to him march of last year, at a cost of $10,000.
Lauren Capicio really wanted a mini yellow coverable cooper but couldnt find one here in Texas so she was given a $28,000 Volkswagen EOS Taylor 2.0
James Goodman got his Mustang last year in June for his birthday. With this car comes responsibility, since he made a promise to pay one third of the cost for maintenance. The upgrades are all on him. Plus, his SWAAG license plate adds a nice touch to this $38,500 car.
Carnae Dillard got her black Chevy Camaro last November as a surprise, and loved it from the start.But one thing she would change about the Camaro would be its gas mileage.















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