About Last Night

About Last Night  Photo by teaser-trailer.com
About Last Night
Photo by teaser-trailer.com

The adventure that brought me to this movie began with Endless Love and Frozen being sold out leaving my friend and I  to see About Last Night. Despite being my third choice of movie it was worth the $10 to see it.

The movie follows Four thirty somethings in the pursuit for love. Although it sounds like a lame retelling of yet another love story the movie brings in a fresh new take on the romantic comedy. Kevin Hart brings is hilarious comedy matched with his perfect counterpart Regina Hall, his comedy equal and romantic interest in the movie play off each other in the perfect way.

Michael Early and Joy Bryant bring the perfect combination of funny and serious in their portrayal as a couple fighting to keep their complicated relationship alive.

The only thing I did not love about the movie is the unnecessary inappropriate parts. It is definitely not a movie to bring your younger siblings to, especially considering it’s R rating. However I would definitely recommend this movie to a teen who is looking for a great combination of romance and comedy.

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