Girls tied with Reagan for first

Junior Harley Little evades a defender after knocking her down. Photo by Jacob Dukes
Junior Harley Little evades a defender after knocking her down.
Photo by Jacob Dukes

Ending the first round of district play, the girls soccer team defeated Johnson 2-1 Feb. 24 and is now tied with Reagan for the top spot in district. They are currently 5-0-1 (W-L-T) in district play.

“It says that we’ve had great games, and we’ve had some bad games, but regardless, we’re fighting together to get a result,” Coach Erik Stolhandske said. “[The second round of district will] hopefully turn out like the first.”

Junior Ana Campa prepares to attack the ball.  Photo by Jacob Dukes
Junior Ana Campa prepares to attack the ball.
Photo by Jacob Dukes

Junior Kyra Falcone scored 11 goals in preseason play, but, since then, she has slowed down during the district season, scoring only three goals. On the other hand, her scoring has contributed to more assists by her and more goals from other teammates.

“I don’t think we’ve changed a whole lot other than that you see other girls have confidence now,” Stolhandske said. “Kyra’s putting the ball in the back of the net even when nobody else was, and it’s gotten us the confidence to have everybody to have the opportunity to score.

The team begins the second round of district play against Madison Feb. 27 at BAC-East.

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About Jacob Dukes

Hi, Im Jacob, but most call me Dukes. I am the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Sports is my thing! I aspire to someday be a writer for the magazine Sports Illustrated. Obviously, I love to write and attend sporting events.

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