Orchestra UIL

Violin section of the Orchestra perform in a December concert.  Photo by: Amparo Gil
Violin section of the Orchestra perform in a December concert.
Photo by: Amparo Gil

The school’s orchestra will showcase their dexterity in front of three judges, seeing how it compares to other schools in the district by participating in a UIL competition on Tuesday, March 3 at Madison High School.

“It’s not just about feeling prepared and its a little easier when you’re playing as an orchestra because you have many people there to back you up.” junior Chelsea Theriot Said. “But it still gets on your nerves because you know that people will be watching for your mistakes.”

The event is held after school, but before the students pack their things and head to Madison High School, they will practice with their instruments through out the day and skip the last three periods to prepare themselves for UIL.

“I think that UIL has played a part in my life in that it pushes me further to try harder in my ability to play violin,” senior Jordan Foster said. “As well as play as a fun part in my life.”

By the time they are seniors, most members have had orchestra in their lives for at least 6 years.

“This year [is] my last year ever competing in UIL.” senior Marissa Vargas said. “I’m hoping we can make sweepstakes this year like we do every year because it’ll be a good way to end the year on a high note.”

The concert will begin at 4:40 p.m. and the sight reading portion will begin at 5:05 p.m.

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About Julia Rash

Hi there, I'm Julia, the editor-in-chief this year at Brahma News. I am in charge of editing news and feature pieces, but I also tend to stick to writing them as well. I have a lot of fun being a part of the Brahma News and I hope you enjoy what we post!

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