Senior talent show coming soon

Megan Koleff is one of the many seniors performing at this years “Senior Talent Show.”

Staff Writer | Darius Davila

Although seniors do not have late arrival this year, the talent show will go on for those interested in strutting their hidden talents. Auditions for the senior talent show will be held Tuesday, April 23 and Wednesday April 24.

“I plan on auditioning twice for the talent show, I plan on playing the piano and singing ‘Sweet Dreams’ by Beyonce and then I’m going to sing a song by Whitney Houston called ‘I Have Nothing,’” senior Megan Koleff said.

Many students trying out for the talent show are performing songs as individuals, but some are performing as a group.

“I’m in a band that we put together for the show and we’re doing a mashup of Someone Like You and Secrets by One Republic, I feel pretty confident that we will win I think we have a good act,” senior Luke Bacon said.

Some students who plan on auditioning will be dancing while they sing, showing off two talents as opposed to the usual individual vocal performance.

“Me and my friend are going to be performing ‘Little Talks’ by Of Monsters & Men, we’re just doing a duet and we’ll be dancing a dance that we choreographed ourselves,” senior Roland Rodriguez said.

However, some students are not competing to win the contest.

“We’ve been preparing for this talent show for about a year on and off and I think the chances of us winning are slim to none, but I’m not competing to win. I’m competing to have a good time,” Rodriguez said.

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