Animals of AG

By Erin Rabel The Agriscience Magnet Program presented the North East AG Fair, a nonstop showcase of animals and food lasting through January 7th and 8th.  The first day was the first round of animal shows. The festivities began a few hours after school let out, so students could prepare their animals for the event….

Mighty Maverick Elective Night

By Monika Garcia  Wednesday, January 24th, was the annual elective night when incoming freshmen come to see all the electives that Madison has to offer.  Being new in high school could be scary, so Elective Night is to ease the incoming students by showing them interesting things that can do here. “I’m excited for debate…

Frozen Out

By Monika Garcia  On Thursday, January 20th, Madison high school along with other NEISD schools shut down schools due to the wintery weather occurring that day. The district concluded roads would be too icy, causing teachers to be absent, resulting in being understaffed.           “I was ecstatic, it’s very interesting because they said it was a…

Avila’s Antics

Reported By Monika Garcia Mr. Avila teaches Reg/AP Government at Madison. He has been teaching at Madison for 10 years and enjoys teaching government because he believes it to be the “most authoritative science.” “I love teaching government because it studies what we think people should be doing,” said Avila. His teaching style isn’t like…

Only “@” Madison

 By Monika Garcia Students with Instagram accounts, looking for entertainment, have lately been observing the lives of others online via an outburst of Madison-themed accounts promoting various “out of context” pictures of Mavericks doing different things.      The first account that started it all is named “nocontextjmhs” . The owner has a whopping 1,726 followers.            There…

Honoring Our Veterans

Reported by Monika Garcia and David Garcia A Veterans Day ceremony was held today in the courtyard of the M building to honor those who served in the armed forces. The ceremony was hosted by the members of the JROTC with an attentive crowd of near two hundred. They were all there to honor those…

Stage Frights

Reported by Shemar McLean The Mad Mav Theatre Department is one of our premier Fine Art organizations and they are back on the stage performing in front of live audiences. Past productions have been points of conversation and many shows have been cherished by students, parents, and actors alike. This week, the Theatre Company opened…

Big Win Fuels Expectations

Reported by The Advocate Staff   Fresh off their heart-stopping overtime victory against the Brandeis Broncos, our Mavericks are focused on their next opponent, LEE. The LEE team looking for their second win of the season, but the Mavericks have no intention of being that. Staying sharp is the plan. “This week is no different…

A Day Remembered

  Reported by Angelo Saco     September 11, 2001, will remain a day that won’t be forgotten by those who lived through it. Although the tragedy was shared by a nation and the world, each person has a different memory. Stephen Perce teaches Spanish and is a military veteran. He remembers that day starting…

All in a day’s work

BY DAVID GARCIA Many students are getting jobs and while earning money, they are also involved in crazy things that can happen while on the job. Employees know that no two days are the same experience, especially in retail and fast food. Junior Jocelynn Clemson who works at a fast-food store on Bulverde Rd. says…