Learning the Lingo

Ana Rodriguez del Alamo, Staff Reporter   In a world where 6,900 different languages are spoken. With all of the different languages, a different culture comes with it that makes the person able to communicate and understand more about the culture.   On our campus, the variety of languages that can be chosen is more than usual schools. A student […]

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Floral Lore: The Stories Behind Texas Wildflowers

Addison Gregory, Staff Reporter   Wildflowers are a tell-tale sign that spring has arrived. They fill the streets with color, and brighten up the fields, and are truly a beautiful sight. But that’s all most people think of flowers, a pretty sight, a sign of spring. Just little splotches of color in the fields.   The Indian Paintbrush, Bluebonnet, and […]

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Jewish Student Union Fosters Community

Samantha Briano, Staff Reporter   The Jewish Student Union is a student-led organization that meets once a month, in room 207 (Ms. Savadin’s classroom) during 5th period lunch. The club is directed by president Elad Kovo and vice president Gavin Valdez. In addition to standard meetings, JSU has hosted a ton of events so far this year, including making straw […]

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Campus Artists Bring Home Hundreds of Medals from VASE

Isabella Geltman, Staff Reporter   On February 17, VASE district competition took place at John Paul Stevens High School. Students from LEE and all magnets can either submit a piece for competition themselves or be recommended to by a teacher.    46 NESA visual artists entered 64 works with 19 going to state. 19 of those three were awarded double […]

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A Leader by Heart

Addison Gregory, Contributor    To be a leader is not just about doing what needs to be done, but also doing it with compassion. For some, this takes time and commitment, for others, it’s second nature. It has to be in your heart to lead, so you can lead in the hearts of others. Gabrielle Silva is a leader by […]

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Madam Commander

Renata Garcia Davila, Contributor   15-year-old Julissa Maciel Corona is taking charge as the Female V’ Raider Commander at LEE High School in San Antonio, Texas!. As she leads the way into the JROTC program, Corona is proving that age is just a number.   “I never thought I’d be doing this at 15, but LEE High is all about […]

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NESA Teacher Awarded Grant

Galaxy Rodriguez, Staff Reporter   On August 3 Amie Charney, NESA’s creative writing director, was awarded the North East Educational Foundation (NEEF) grant for teachers. In order to receive this grant Charney wrote an essay detailing the vision she had for a web series which she and the other NESA majors are trying to start this school year.   As […]

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New Club Draws Big Crowd

Isabella Geltman, Staff Reporter   September 13, 2023, Ceramics Club had their first meeting. The club sponser, Ms. Stephanie Greathouse, and club leader Emile Wilson (11) started everyone with a hands on clay tile activity. The initiative taken each and every meeting allows students a safe space with free reign to expansively explore their art style.   With simple rules […]

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LEE Welcomes Bold New Leader

By Chris Loustaunau, Editor-in-Chief   In no world would I have thought that I would find Snoop Dogg Cheese Puffs in my new Principal’s office.    But Mr. Alejandro Escamilla, the newly appointed LEE principal , surprised me in more ways than one when I sat down with him. He shared his profound vision for education and his passion for […]

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AI Takeover?

Edder Martinez, Staff Reporter   The advancement in AI has made it into one of the most defining parts of this decade. First starting with AI like DAll E a new AI has become part of the cultural zeitgeist, Chat GPT. This program is able to generate essays not imagined before.   Chat GPT is a chat box not too […]

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New Table, New Opportunities

Luke Daines & Ashley Patterson, Staffers   Nearing the STEM floor, a hot new topic is in the air. STEM students and teachers alike, buzz about the new Anatomy Table. Purchased with recently approved grant money awarded to STEM Director Jennifer Jensen, STEM hopes to offer biomedical and advanced science pathway students a more interactive glimpse into the human body. […]

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National Teacher Shortage Hits Home

Edder Martinez, Staffer   Teacher, and staff shortage have become commonplace ever since the Covid 19 pandemic; Even as the pandemic dies down staff shortages have not. With the 2022-23 school year beginning, several schools are still reporting vacant teaching positions.   This has led to larger than usual classroom sizes, overworked, overtired tired staff, and the school having to […]

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“Miss LEE” Wins Superintendent’s Award

Kaitlin Arocho, Editor-in-Chief   It’s getting towards the end of the year with only six weeks left of school and that means it’s the perfect time for the senior class to have as many events as the schedule will allow. One of these events, the annual senior awards ceremony, took place on Thursday, April 21, at 6:00 pm.  This event […]

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